10 Year Anniversary of Living In America & 15 Life Changing Lessons I've Learned from Living Abroad By Myself

10 Year Anniversary of Living In America & 15 Life Changing Lessons I've Learned from Living Abroad By Myself

Today marks the 10-year anniversary of my moving from Japan and living in America. Living in a foreign country isn’t a piece of cake but has taught me a number of invaluable life changing lessons but here are my 15 valuable of lessons I learned from past 10 years!

Don't Be Afraid To Show Your Vulnerable Side

Don't Be Afraid To Show Your Vulnerable Side

Last week I decided to share my tale - REAL LIFE - on my InstaStory. I was really scared and nervous because I thought no one would care about it or would even wanna see it. But, I simply wanted to share what I have been struggling with in my life. Then, here is what happened...